Reading AP3216 ambient light + proximity sensor

AP3216 AP3216 demo Arduino Arduino UNO RoboRemo plot USB OTG ambient light sensor proximity sensor real time plot sensor configuration snesor initialization

AP3216 sensor demo - various settings, plotting the output


In this demo I explain how the AP3216 sensor works, I read it with Arduino and plot the output in RoboRemo.

Materials needed:
- AP3216 sensor breakout board
- Arduino UNO (or similar) + USB cable for it
- USB OTG adapter
- 240R resistor
- breadboard
- wires
- Android device with OTG support and RoboRemo app installed

The AP3216C sensor is an integrated module that contains an ambient light sensor (ALS), proximity sensor (PS) and IR LED in a single small package. It is used in mobile phones, to measure the ambient light and adjust the screen brightness, or to detect when you hold your phone to the ear, and disable the touchscreen.

AP3216C datasheet:
ap3216c-lite-on.pdf download

The sensor connects via I2C bus, so it can be easily interfaced with Arduino. I wrote a small sketch for Arduino UNO to communicate with the AP3216. Arduino accepts commands from the Serial Monitor.

Here are some example commands:
"write 0x00 0x01\n" - will write value 0x01 to the register 0x00
"read 0x0C\n" - will read the value from register 0x0C
"als start\n" - will start streaming the value from the ALS (ambient light sensor)
"ps start\n" - will start streaming the value from the PS (proximity sensor)
"stop\n" - will stop streaming the ALS / PS data.
You can send the commands from the Serial Monitor, or you can use the RoboRemo app.

I also built some interfaces in RoboRemo for faster configuring and reading the sensor (you just press a button instead of writing the entire command). And you can also plot the data from the sensor!

Upload this sketch to your Arduino:

// Interfacing the AP3216 light / proximity sensor with Arduino UNO

// By RoboRemo

// Big thanks to ICStation for providing the AP3216 sensor

// Command examples:
// "write 0x00 0x01\n" - will write value 0x01 to the register 0x00
// "read 0x0C\n" - will read the value from register 0x0C
// "als start\n" - will start streaming the value from the ALS (ambient light sensor)
// "ps start\n" - will start streaming the value from the PS (proximity sensor)
// "stop\n" - will stop streaming the ALS / PS data.

// Commands can be sent using Serial Monitor / Terminal,
// Or using the RoboRemo app from Google Play.

// RoboRemo app can also display a nice plot of the ALS / PS data,
// and also log to a file on the sdcard of the phone.

// Hardware wiring:
// Arduino     AP3216
//             VLED --,
// GND ------- GND   |R| 240 Ohm
// 3.3V ------ VCC ---'
// A5 -------- SCL
// A4 -------- SDA

long baud = 115200;

#include <Wire.h>

char cmd[100];
int cmdIndex;

bool als_on = false;
bool ps_on = false;

boolean cmdStartsWith(const char *st) { // checks if cmd starts with st
  for(int i=0; ; i++) {
    if(st[i]==0) return true;
    if(cmd[i]==0) return false;
    if(cmd[i]!=st[i]) return false;;
  return false;

int hexCharToInt(char c) {
  if(c>='a') return (c-'a')+10;
  if(c>='A') return (c-'A')+10;
  return c-'0';

String hexByteToString(int val) {
  char digits[] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8','9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};

  char a = digits[(val/16) %16];
  char b = digits[val%16];
  return (String) "" + a + b;

void alsStart() {
  AP3216_write(0x00, 0x01);
  als_on = true;

void alsPsStop() {
  als_on = false;
  ps_on = false;
  AP3216_write(0x00, 0x00);

void psStart() {
  AP3216_write(0x00, 0x02);
  ps_on = true;

void AP3216_write(int regAddress, int value) {
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x1E); // I2C Address of AP3216 sensor is 0x1E

int AP3216_read(int regAddress) {
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x1E); // I2C Address of AP3216 sensor is 0x1E
  Wire.requestFrom(0x1E, 1, true);
  return & 0xFF;

void exeCmd() {

  if( cmdStartsWith("read 0x") ) {  // example: read 0x1A
    int a = hexCharToInt(cmd[7]); // '1' -> 1
    int b = hexCharToInt(cmd[8]); // 'A' -> 10
    int regAddress = (a*16)+b; // 0x1A = 26

    int regValue = AP3216_read(regAddress);
    Serial.print( (String)"reg_0x");
    Serial.print( hexByteToString(regAddress) );
    Serial.print(" = ");
    Serial.print( hexByteToString(regValue) );

  if( cmdStartsWith("write 0x") ) {  // example: write 0x1A 0x55
    int a = hexCharToInt(cmd[8]); // '1' -> 1
    int b = hexCharToInt(cmd[9]); // 'A' -> 10
    int regAddress = (a*16)+b; // 0x1A = 26

    a = hexCharToInt(cmd[13]);
    b = hexCharToInt(cmd[14]);
    int regValue = (a*16)+b;
    AP3216_write(regAddress, regValue); 

    Serial.print( (String)"reg_0x");
    Serial.print( hexByteToString(regAddress) );
    Serial.print(" <- ");
    Serial.print( hexByteToString(regValue) );

  if( cmdStartsWith("als start") ) {

  if( cmdStartsWith("stop") ) {

  if( cmdStartsWith("ps start") ) {


void setup() {
  cmdIndex = 0;

void loop() {

  while( Serial.available() ) {
    char c =;

    if(c=='\n' || c=='\r') {
      cmd[cmdIndex] = 0; // end cmd string with 0
      exeCmd();  // execute the command
      cmdIndex = 0; // reset the cmdIndex
    } else {      
      cmd[cmdIndex] = c; // append c to the cmd string
      if(cmdIndex<99) cmdIndex++;

  if(als_on) {
    int a = AP3216_read(0x0D); // ALS Data HIGH Byte
    int b = AP3216_read(0x0C); // ALS Data LOW Byte

    long alsValue = a;
    alsValue = alsValue << 8;
    alsValue = alsValue + b;
    Serial.print("als ");

  if(ps_on) {
    int a = AP3216_read(0x0F) & 0b00111111; // PS Data HIGH 6 bits
    int b = AP3216_read(0x0E) & 0b00001111; // PS Data LOW 4 bits
    long psValue = (a << 4) + b;
    Serial.print("ps ");

Connect the sensor to the Arduino, don't forget the 240R bias resistor for the sensor's IR LED.
You don't need pull-up resistors for the I2C as the sensor's breakout board already includes them (at least in my case)

Download the RoboRemo interface file:
AP3216 als ps plot.interface download
AP3216 more controls.interface download
Copy the interface file to your Android device, then import in RoboRemo using menu -> interface -> import.

Connect your Arduino to the Android device, using the OTG cable.
Open RoboRemo and connect (menu -> connect -> USB Serial -> 115200).

Enjoy :)

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